Category Archives: Smash Cut

Peter Schilling – Major Tom

Big German Pop Hit, that came across the ocean to Amnerica. It made it way into the Pop radio stations, and die a slow death! Watch the video!

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Eurythmics – Revival

Classic 90’s song from the duo! Watch the video!

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Santana – Smooth

Great song to smooth the hot summer days, and warm the cold winter nights! Great party song! Watch the video!

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Sir Mixalot – Baby Got Back

I am sure alot of people will remember this song! Watch the video!

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Memorial Day “laffy taffy” Dance Video

On this Memorial Day In the USA. I just want to give a heart-well thanks to all the men, and women who die for my freedoms I have in my loved country, USA!

I, also want to give thanks to men, and women of all military ranks for the work they are doing around the world for all Americans! THANK YOU! AND, I DO SUPPORT YOU!

Please, make sure to stop a military person today, and tell them “thank you”, and give them a hug. Tell them how much it means to you on what they are doing! You will get a warm smile back!

Here is a video to help you remember our USA troops all over the world, it is just some men dancing to a song we all know……

[ appKey=MarbachViewerEmbedded&uri=channels/30116/141249&embedId=18451764]

“Thank YOU!”

MC Hammer – U Can’t Touch This

A Classic music video, and song from the 80’s! Watch the video!

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